Our Services

  • Please Note: In order to book a Morpheus 8 appointment, you must first schedule aa initial consultation.

    Morpheus8 Radiofrequency (RF) microneedling uses tiny needles to penetrate deeper layers of skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production, creating renewed, tighter, firmer skin that's more even-textured and even-toned.

    Different needle lengths make this customizable for face or body, allowing the treatment to reach and renew deeper layers of skin and tissue.

    RF technology makes it also an effective and safe treatment for skin with acne scarring and even active acne.

    This treatment has been described as non-surgical face lift. If you are looking tom prevent aging, turn back to clock, or treat specific issues like scars, jowels, wrinkles, laxity and crepiness, this treatment will address it all.

    Book a consult.

  • Laser hair removal is a safe, effective way to permenantly get rid of hair - without the pain or inconvenience of repeated need of other methods like waxing and shaving.

    After your initial series of sessions, you only need maintenance 1 to 2 times per year for smooth, hairless skin.

    Book a consult.

  • Lumecca IPL Photofacial or ‘photorejuvenation’, is an effective, non-invasive way to treat photoaging like sun damage, brown spots, broken capillaries and irregular pigmentation on the face, neck and chest.

    IPL uses intense flashes of light that penetrate deep below skin's surface to break down pigment and target hemoglobin (for capillaries) and melanin-producing cells to unveil clear, brighter skin. With sun protection, results are long term.

    Book a consult.


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How Our Process Works

Our approach is hands-on and personalized to your needs. Here’s how we work with you through your first appointment with us:

  • Our free initial consultation is when you meet with our specialist, discuss your goals and concerns, and we can give you a thorough and complete evaluation of our services and offer treatment options that can help. We work with you to create a plan based on goals, budget and timing

  • At your initial consultation, we work with your schedule to get you in for your first appointment.

    For those looking to get Morpheus 8, you are required to book this initial consultation before treatment. All other laser services can be booked and done day-of.

    During that first appointment, we will review your goals, get you comfortable and numbed (if applicable) in our space, and get to work!

    You will always have the chance to ask more questions. We will give you follow-up instructions and some after-procedure comfort treatment options.

  • In the first few days after your appointment, our team will follow up with you to see how your procedure went. This check-in typically happens a few days after your procedure to ensure that enough time has passed for the initial (and normal!) reaction time for your skin has passed. During this time, we are also always available to answer and questions or concerns.

    We will also work with you to get you re-booked for your next appointment to maintain.

    You will receive reminder emails about upcoming appointments and our recommended timeline for course of action.


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